Friday, October 3, 2014



The grievous error of the devil when he seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden is that he thought and Eve thought that God is not on the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In a way, the soul of the devil was actually crying out for relief from his loneliness. So subconsciously he wanted to get caught. This is why the devil always tries to corrupt us throughout the history of mankind – being alone in your own loneliness is the most cruel punishment that God can deal out and ironically also the kindest because there is no violence involved.

This is why the Devil becomes violent and loves it when humans become violent. He cannot understand why God refuses to be violent towards him because subconsciously the devil wants to be destroyed. Because he can no longer stand on his own without God’s support. This is why the devil is KSP. He is actually saying to God “You were supposed to destroy me when I sinned. Why did you not end my misery?” God did not destroy the devil because God is a kind God and understands the devil and the devil’s motivation which is loneliness.

But God also understands the need for a penalty that the devil has to live with because that is the natural order of things = for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction = justice.

God had to lock out the devil from God’s presence and also lock out Adam and Eve from God’s presence because forgiving them would have upset the natural order of things and would have been unjust to the rest of Creation that does what God wills.

However, God is not a cruel God. He said “If you are not going to behave yourself, you get a time out until you come to your senses by yourself”. It is like making your disobedient child stand or sit facing the corner of the room as punishment. So the devil, Adam and Eve got a time out from God’s presence.

But because the devil, Adam and Eve refused to acknowledge their sin, this “time out” punishment extended for centuries, even millennia. They refused to acknowledge their sin which was assuming that the devil and man can know everything about the universe. This is a lie, a heresy and just what Eve and her husband Adam were subconsciously looking for. So they got what they wanted – the devil got his companions to accompany him through his lonely walk through time (meaning evil humans), Eve got her wish to be superior over men and especially over God, and Adam got his wish to delegate his responsibilities (of making wise decisions) to a woman (because Adam was weak psychologically).

So there really was no tragedy of the Garden of Eden because these three (the devil, Adam and Eve) got what they set out to get. All three of them set out to make God look incompetent but subconsciously wanted to get caught in this sin so they could also prove that God is competent.
God knew that this would happen because God knows and can control past, present and future time. But he knew that human development is based on free will. God was saying and is saying that “It’s time to grow up my children and learn to think for yourselves. This is my gift to you – the freedom to determine your own future by yourself.” This is the ultimate kindness a father can show to his beloved children.

So Adam and Eve refused to acknowledge their sin and got a time out to think about what they had done. And the devil became even more illogical, insane and lonely because he really wants to end his life rather than persist living away from the benevolence of God.

The lesson here is that time is a frightening fact of life. We all must return to the Creator at the end of our life and at the end of time. God will then ask us “So my child, what did you learn from your exile on Earth? Do you realize now the sin of your parents Adam and Eve?”

God is a loving God but he is also a just God. We humans cannot exist without acknowledging our sin because God can never be evil like us. God is saying “You need to become pure, just as I am pure, then you can live in my house without messy illogical problems”. We need to learn our lesson from these years of exile on Earth – that God is good, loves us, and wants to reconcile with us.

Jesus is the key to this because he and Our Father in Heaven talked about it. Jesus said and is still saying “Father, I feel sorry for humans because they really have no understanding of their sin starting with Adam and Eve. Can’t we do something?” And Father God replied “Yes they don’t understand what the sin of the devil, Adam and Eve was. What do you think we should do, my Son?” And Jesus replied “I will go to Earth and teach them because I love them and want them with us.”

Our sin is assuming that God is stupid and we are smarter than Him in every way. This is why the world is in chaos. Jesus showed that through his life, death and resurrection that God is wise, knows everything, and is not arrogant because he has self confidence therefore the Son of God (Jesus) is also wise, all knowing and humble about it.
God wants sane, humble and intelligent children. He could always just decide to create sane, humble and intelligent children from scratch. But God really loves us and wants us to learn our lesson so we can be forgiven. So our example for this is Jesus Christ. He was, is and will be obedient to God and was rewarded for it with his resurrection from the dead.

We are not gods nor do we know everything. True wisdom starts when you admit you don’t know everything. This is also the start of reconciliation with God. This is why it is so hard to remove our sin by ourselves because we really don’t know or have forgotten what our sin was in the first place.
Jesus understood our sin = the motivation (weakness of character), the action (deliberately doing something forbidden by God), and the consequences (being shut out by God from His presence forever). But He also knows and is teaching us that there is still a bit of time to say sorry to God. And it all begins with admitting you don’t know everything.

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