Saturday, June 17, 2023

The China Risk

If you have been reading the newspaper headlines lately, here in Metro Manila, you may have noticed that practically every week there is something about China harassing Filipinos. The most concerning was on March 5 when 44 Chinese warships were lined up at the perimeter of the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR). And now we hear that China has deployed buoys in waters well within the PAR.

I would like to warn everyone that the China risk is very real. This is no joke, though the Chinese disrespect us all the time when our government protests. So I suggest we all pray that God will send us our allies at this point in time to provide military support when China does attack. Yes we need our military might but perhaps God will show mercy on us Filipinos if we turn from our sins and pray. At this point in time, this may save us.

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