Friday, October 3, 2014



In the beginning, the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were godly people. You could even call them children of light – and this led to their downfall.

You see, they thought that the light came from them – that they had created the light, owned the light and could dictate how the light would behave. This is the same sin of Lucifer and this is why Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.
The light is a blessing from God. It is supposed to help us guide our way as we remove the darkness in society. That is the true nature of our souls.

The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was thinking that light can coexist with the dark. This is the lie of Lucifer. He says “I am an angel of light and I can coexist happily with the darkness – and so can you. My way is a happy way and you too will be very happy following my pure way.”

Why do people fall for it? For some, they truly love the perversion and they cling to it like a lonely man clings to prostitutes. For others, they want to experiment out of curiosity. For others, they are frightened of the real perverts so they go along with the ride.

This then is the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah – they were actually destined for greatness. But since they thought that they could control the light and mix with the darkness at the same time, Lucifer was able to make the situation a lasting one. So the perversion spread throughout Sodom and Gomorrah this way.

The cruelty of the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah is that they were not satisfied corrupting themselves. Their lunacy was such that they wanted to have sex all the time, thereby spreading their gospel of “try-anything sex”. That is why It had to be destroyed. It was symbolic of God’s desire to destroy the evil one.

However, God did not want to destroy them, in the same way God actually wants to give Lucifer a second chance of regaining a normal relationship with God. But because they were stubborn, arrogant and harmful to the innocent, God realized that there was no hope of repentance anymore. God also feared these perversions would spread to the innocent. So He had no choice but to obliterate the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah to protect the children – because the devil really hates everyone and really hates innocent children.

Hate cannot coexist with love. Children who are innocent spark a wild illogical anger in the devil because secretly the devil wants to be saved. Children who are illogical hate children who are innocent because innocent children love God automatically. The devil actually loves God and recognizes God’s superiority and authority.

However, the hate overpowers the love because of pride. The sexual perverts want to get caught because their souls cry out for help. But the darkness (the sexual perversions) cannot logically coexist with innocence. So the perverts are actually lunatics.

This is why sexual perverts eventually became psychotic. Their minds can absorb that the darkness can coexist with the light because God is good even to the evil ones.
However, the souls of the sexual perverts are crying out to be killed because their souls cannot stand separation from God who is The True Light. This leads to a spiral of lunacy so the city of Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a dead society already. When you are insane, you cannot think straight so you cannot hold down a job or perform well in school.

God is about logic and order so his blessing is expertise in multiple professions. When you become a sexual pervert you prevent yourself from receiving that gift of multiple expertise. So the society of Sodom and Gomorrah was actually on the verge of economic collapse because the perverts could not hold down a job and earn a decent living. Violent crime is only a system of a society dominated by perverts = financial bankruptcy.

God is not a violent God therefore violence cannot mix with peace. So God wanted to make sure the innocent, particularly the children, would not be corrupted spiritually. So that God’s true children would not be devoured by the society of perverts that was on the verge of economic collapse anyway.

This is why repeatedly God says in the Bible: “Come out of her my people”. Sodom and Gomorrah was and is a prostitute who spreads his/her legs for any man but especially for the perverts. Once you sample a prostitute you want more because there is no love, only hate. So sexual perversion is not psychologically fulfilling. It leaves you wanting more sex because what your soul really desires is true love.

There was no way anymore for Sodom and Gomorrah to be saved. God had to make a choice between waiting for the sexual perverts [to confess their sin, seek repentance and become angels again] and protecting the innocent, especially the children.

So the devil was able to destroy a whole community by claiming that he does not love God. This played into the hands of the rebellious children who were in love with sexual perversion and want to say “fuck you God”.
This kind of misdemeanor led to the destruction of even the innocent residents. Most of the innocent residents were killed because they lacked the courage to destroy the sexual perversion. These innocent residents were fence sitters and remained neutral. So God also had to destroy the fence sitters because they did not do their obligation of protecting the innocent, particularly the children.

The fence sitters thought that by ignoring the hurt done to the innocent children that they [the fence sitters] were absolved of all sin. But they knew about the hurt done to the innocent and chose to do nothing. But their soul told them to do something which they suppressed. So in the final analysis, not stopping evil is also a perversion.

In the end, everyone from that community lost big time because not only did they kill innocent tourists and visitors to their city but they killed their own souls.

This is the victory of the evil one – preventing the innocent from becoming mature, loving, caring, responsible adults. So that is why the devil is after the children.

Free will is the key. You make a choice then you stand by it. Sodom and Gomorrah made its choice and was destroyed by God, including the fence sitters who lacked the courage to be loyal to God.

For this reason, the Holy Spirit was sent to us. Our society in the Philippines is now Sodom and Gomorrah. It is on the verge of collapse. The devil’s lie is that this is the normal way to go. This is why many Filipinos are going insane.
The Holy Spirit is speaking to the souls of everyone, including the evil ones. Because God wants to restore the community of perverts to their rightful place as children of God. But this is hard to do if you’re a pervert who likes perversion anyway.

So God cannot coexist with evil because God is all good. The devil wants the children as trophies because he hates them so much. God is a protector and provider while the devil offers false salvation and false ownership of light.
So don’t be gullible, listen to your soul. This will lead you to prosperity and a truly happy life. Because only God can create life and ensure happiness because God is a happy God. The devil is all of hate and lies and will never return to God despite his love for God. It’s lunacy.

God in his Mercy had to destroy the whole of Sodom and Gomorrah as “mercy killing” to relieve the souls of the perverts of their suffering. Once the body has given up the soul, the soul is free of the perversion and is free to love God again in a pure way. Our solace today is that the sexual perverts destroyed by fire by God now have free souls, relieved of their suffering and chastised. These souls that repented are now united with God. So they found peace.

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